PhD defense Mohamed Benmahdjoub

Mohamed Benmahdjoub successfully defended his PhD thesis “I See Through… You”!!


In 2018, Mohamed started his PhD as part of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, in dutch Mondziekten, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie (MKA) department, and the Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam (BIGR) at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam the Netherlands. The PhD project was titled “Augmented reality for surgical navigation”. He was supervised by Theo van Walsum, Eppo Wovlius and Wiro Niessen. Mohamed investigated the use of AR for surgical navigation. He developed several AR navigation systems allowing a user to align patient-specific data on the target anatomy, mainly the head. He conducted several user studies investigating depth perception for surgical tasks using optical see-through head mounted displays, the optimal guidance and visualization using head-mounted displays in several surgical applications. During his PhD, he was awarded two grants, allowing him to conduct two studies, and was awarded Best Paper honorable mention for his contribution in IEEE VR and IEEE TVCG.

In April 2023, he started his postdoc position at the MKA department. Mohamed is focusing on improving the AR systems to bring them closer to the clinics. He aspires to render this technology accessible for surgeons inside the operating room.

In June 2024, he have defended PhD thesis titled “I See Through… You”, and he would like to thank everyone who contributed to his work: first and foremost his promotors, Theo van Walsum, Eppo Wolvius, and Wiro Niessen for their support during all these years, shaping his research trajectory.

Please find attached the digital version of his thesis through this link.