About the research topic
EuCanImage will build and demonstrate a GDPR-compliant and scalable platform for leveraging large-scale, high-quality and interoperable cancer imaging datasets adequately linked to biological and health cancer data. The platform will integrate advanced capabilities and new standards to develop and validate integrative decision support systems for precision oncology with increased clinical trust and adoption. The project consortium is an experienced and ambitious academic-industrial-clinical partnership, with a proven track record in data management, responsible data sharing, cancer imaging research, and AI for personalised medicine.

Within EuCanImage, the Erasmus MC team is the lead of Work Package 3:Data platform and catalogue for cancer imaging and non-imaging data, is a data provider for clinical data and works on the requirements of the use cases, and is involved in the AI development platform and interfaces. Within the platform (see below), we are responsible for the managing and development of the XNAT platform for storing and sharing imaging data, the catalogue, and the linkage between all components.