Q-Maestro project was featured by Health~Holland, as a successful public-private partnership project

As one of successful projects in PPS (publiek-private samenwerkingen) scheme, Q-Maestro project (the collaboration between Erasmus MC and Philips, led by Theo van Walsum) got highligted by a new video which you can see below!!

Health~Holland finances innovative research and development within public-private partnerships, in which companies, research organisations and additional partners such as health funds and citizens’ initiatives work together. But how does this work in practice? And how do these parties contribute with their research to the health and care of everyone in the Netherlands and to a healthy economy? To make this clear, they created a video with the award parties.

Erasmus MC is one of the award parties for the Q-Maestro project, a project where Erasmus MC and Philips have collaborated.

In the video, Theo was interviewed to share his experiences with the PPS allowance, discuss the goals achieved thanks to the PPS and look ahead to the future; “In collaboration with Philips, expertise in the field of clinical and technological innovation comes together well. It’s a team sport and you can see that in the results” - Theo van Walsum, Associate Professor Erasmus MC.

Interested? You can read the full story here.